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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Medical Journal of Brawijaya (Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, JKB) is a six-monthly Periodic Journal (February and August) containing various articles/manuscripts in the forms of research, systematic reviews, case reports, and short communications in the field of medicine focusing on basic medicine, clinical medicine and epidemiology as well as medicine prevention (social medicine). JKB only receives full original text that has never been published in a journal or other publication forms (except for blogs and personal communication), or being sent to another journal at the same time. Had the manuscript been presented in a symposium or particular seminar and only published in abstract form, it will be written in the note. The sequence of names of the authors to the manuscript must be ensured to reflect the contribution of the authors, and all authors must have read and approved the submitted manuscript. Research manuscript sent to JKB must meet the ethical feasibility and research using humans as subjects must have written approval (signed informed consent).


The entire manuscript management process is done online through web pages Submitted manuscript will first encounter the editorial selection to ensure guidelines compliance and publications compliance and open access policy. If the script does not meet the initial requirements, the manuscript will be returned (online, stated as reject) and not be processed for review. The author must make improvements and resubmit the improved manuscript as a new submission. The manuscript will be processed for review after meeting the review eligibility and the authors have paid the script review fee payment.

The selection of manuscripts published in JKB is using blind peer-review system. All manuscripts received by JKB will be discussed by experts in the relevant fields of science and editorial executive. The review process is carried out within a maximum of 2 months for a single round of review.

The reviewed manuscript can be categorized into 4, namely the manuscript is accepted without repairing (Accepted Submission), the manuscript requires authors revision before acceptance (Required Revision), the author must make fundamental improvements and the manuscript will go through a review process again (Resubmit for Review), and the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication (Decline Submission). Duration of one month is given to improve since the result is announced. The authors, who do not improve the manuscript within one month, are automatically considered canceling the publication and also cancelling all previous acceptance statement.

Manuscript withdrawal in the review process can be done without returning the review cost while reviewed manuscript will be charged for withdrawal fee. Manuscript that has been accepted cannot be withdrawn.

Accepted manuscript will be through a process of editing by the editors. The author then must approve the results of editing, through copying editing stages in accordance with the instructions given. Approval time is not more than one week. After the editing approval process, the manuscript undergoes layout process before publication. The author also must give approval to lay out results of pre-printing and publication within one week. Manuscript publication is made online prior to hardcopy editions.



The fee charged to the author covers the review cost of Rp. 750.000 and the publication fee of Rp. 750.000. Review cost is paid on the submission process, while publication cost is met after the manuscript is accepted for publication. Authors whose manuscript is accepted for publication will get one edition of journal hardcopy per-author and loose printed edition as many as 10 copies/manuscript, as well as the certificate of publication. Printing image in color will be charged additional cost of Rp. 100,000 per image.


Manuscript Writing

The anonymous manuscript should be written in English, and highly recommended to obtain English language editing services before the script is sent into JKB. For the sertificate language proof, please contact When the used term or abbreviation is not standard, it should be accompanied by a caption. Measurement units are written according to the System Internationale (SI-Units). Manuscript must be typed using Microsoft Word with Calibri font, size 12 pt for the title, 10 pt for text, 9 pt for title of tables/picture, 8 pt for letters/numbers in the table/image, 1.5 spaced, printed on A4 size paper, maximum 15 pages including tables, figures, and references.

The author identity is written in a separate file (uploaded as a supplementary file) under "Writer Identification Sheet" covering the whole identity of the authors written in full name (without a degree) along with authors affiliated institutions, with phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. Other files that should be included as supplementary file are consent form of publication and plagiarism, and the source of data for the table and the source file for the image (if it includes table and figure).


The writing systematic should meet the following conditions:



Title of the article is written briefly and clearly both in Indonesian and in English, a maximum of 16 words in Indonesian and 14 words in English.



Abstract is written without subtitles and should be clear and concise both in Indonesian and in English in one paragraph, so it allows readers to understand the important new aspects without having to read the entire article. Abstract of research article contains no more than 250 words, containing background, objectives, method, results, and conclusions while abstract of case report article consists of background, objectives, case summaries, and conclusion. Abstracts of article review and case reports contain no more than 150 words. Keywords are written below abstract by choosing three to six words that can assist for indexing purposes.



This chapter describes the background and review of previous studies, the hypothesis (if any), and the research purposes. The introduction must to be able to show the gap and state of the art knowledge that describes the quality, significance, and novelty of ideas.



This chapter (for research article) describes the design and research methods that are clearly and concisely written along with the reference. Method section should explain the design, the population, the selection of subjects or study sample, the data collection methods and instrument used, and the data analysis methods. Method explanations should be clear but brief that allows the reader to replicate. If the methods (including statistical analysis) used are new or have not been widely used, it must be written along with the references.



In the Results section, the authors should present an interpretation on any presentation form of the results both tables and images. Narrative interpretation explains the meaning of data and not a repetition of the contents of images or tables. This chapter (for article research or case reports) may contain a maximum of 6 tables. Each table is given a number and a short title in accordance with the appearance in the text, and each column is given a brief subtitle. Title of tables and figures should be able to describe the contents.

The results of the research or case reports can also be displayed in the form of images, either photographs or graphs, a maximum of 10 pieces. Table and figure insertion must be done efficiently without duplication. One result only needs to be presented in one presentation form either table or figure, and not both.

Images must be made professionally with sharp color prints. Serial number and the title of the image must be written in accordance with the appearance in the text. When an image is obtained from a source/someone or a published illustration, then it must be stated in the description. Tables and figures explanations including meaning of non-standard abbreviations and symbols are written in the caption below the table or picture. Caption is not explaining the meaning of the image. The use of color is restricted only when color differences are necessary and cannot be replaced with black and white.


Tables and Figures

Table and figure titles are written with a number followed by full stop and the title of the narrative is 9pt in size and bold. Capital letters are used only at the beginning of sentence title while abbreviations are in capital letters. The explanation is written with initial capital letters, size 8 pt, and bold. The source is written using 8 pt in size, right under the table before the caption and italicized. The table is written without cell border. The border is only used in the column headings and the end of the table. In inserting picture, symbols must be written and placed properly, and described in the caption. Picture in the form of a graph is made without displaying horizontal and vertical lines. Chart presentation should clearly include include the title and the units on the vertical and horizontal axis.



Table 1. Differences of subject characteristic, clinical features, and TNF-α levels

Basic Characteristics

Febrile Seizures

(n = 19)

Non-Febrile Seizures

(n = 19)

Test Comparison











Mean of age, x ± SD (month)




Mean of seizure rectal temperature, x ± SD (°C)




Mean of leukocyte, x ± SD (mg/dl)




Mean of CRP, x ± SD (mg/dl)




Mean of TNF-α levels




Remarks: *Mann Whitney test



This chapter discusses the results and highlights new discoveries, whether suit, reinforce, or oppose the previous discoveries, theories, and opinions. Discussion chapter also explains why the research obtains such results matching the findings, the mechanism of the results, and the reasons on the differences and similarities with previous research.

The conclusion is expressed in the last paragraph (discussion) that contains sentences stating the relationship among the variables studied (the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable) and is narrated in a single paragraph, without bullet points, brief, concise and clear, and does not contain suggestions.



Acknowledgements (if any) is limited only to the professionals and those who helped drafting the manuscript, including technical support, funding, and facilities from institutions.



The number of references for the research articles and case reports is at least 10 pieces while for article review is minimum 20 pieces. References are written based on JKB-Vancouver system where the authors are numbered in the text in order of their appearance instead of alphabetically. Cited references are maximum the last ten years. At least 80% of the references are the primary references (research results) from recent decades, except for standardized information and no new referrals. Papers that have been submitted for publication but not yet published can be used as references and stated "in press".  Referral on personal communications must be avoided wherever possible except for information that is not obtainable from public sources by mentioning the name of the source and date of the communication. Non-scientific sources such as blogs are not allowed. Names of all the authors are included if the total is not more than six people by writing the surname and followed with the first letter of the given name. When the authors are more than six people, only the three first authors are listed, and followed by "et al.". The title is written in accordance with the original title. The journal’s name is written completely as its official name, followed by the year, volume (number), and the page of the journal article.


Examples of Writing Bibliography



Boddie AM, Dedlow ES, Nakashi JA, Opalko FJ, and Kouwell GP. Folate Absorption In Women With A History Of Neural Tube Defect-Affected Pregnancy. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2000; 72: 154-158.



Rhoades R and Pflanzer R. Human Physiology. 3rd edition. Orlando, Florida: Saunders College Publishing; 1996; p. 137-350.


Chapters in books

Katzung BG dan Chatterjee K. Vasodilator dan Pengobatan Angina Pektoris. Di dalam: B.G. Katzung (Ed). Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 1998: p. 184-201.



Abdurrahman. Pendekatan Multidisiplin  pada Penanganan Patologi Muskuloskeletal. Proceeding Scientific Meeting & Workshop of Indonesian Musculoskeletal Pathology. Surabaya, March 22-23, 2003; p. 1-8.



Hoving EW. Frontoethmoidal Encephalocele, a Study of Their Pathogenesis. [Disertasi]. Rijk Universiteit, Groningen. 1993.



Bina A. Propolis: Sang Penyembuh Luar Biasa. (Online) 16 Juni 2008. di [diakses tanggal 11 September 2014].

Manuscript is submitted via Online Journal System, by means of accessible publications on the information to the author in JKB Web pages. The author must first register and then login and performs the submission. Authors should also monitor the progress of the review and publication of the article by the author account, and monitor any notification of article progress.

Additional information

The author have  to make a statement letter that contains: if the article is original, the article is not being submitted into another journal, the author will not submit the same article into another journal during the review process.

The statement latter have to be signed by all authors and stamped Rp. 6000- and attached into supplementary file.

Instructions for Authors of Revised Research Articles

  1.  The authors will obtain five decisions from the Editor of Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya
    1. Accept Submission  : The article will be accepted without revision
    2. Revisions Required : The article will be accepted after revisions
    3. Resubmit for Review: The article must be resubmitted, but with significant changes. Need a second round of review
    4. Resubmit Elsewhere: The article is recommended to be submitted to other journal that is more suitable.
    5. Decline Submission : The article cannot be published
  2. To make revisions, the author must unite the opinions from the two reviewers in one manuscript. The revised manuscript must be marked both highlights and comments.
  3. The author must include the repair notes in accordance with the attached format, according to the reviewers’ request to assist the editor.
  4. The author is also obliged to ensure that the writing structures of chapter title and the use of letters, tables, and bibliography meet the author guidelines that can be accessed on> about> submissions> author guidelines.
  5. Non-conformity to suggestions from reviewers, editors, and writing instructions will affect the final decision of manuscript acceptance.

Research Article

The research article is a report on the primary research result in the field of medicine which includes basic medicine, clinical, and public health medicine

Literature Review

Literature review is a form of systematic literature review on a problem within the scope of this journal publication. This form of review can be a meta-analysis or non-systematic review. The minimum of the required literature is 20 references, and the year of publication is within the last 10 years

Case Report

Case report is a form of writing that examines a case in the medical field for the first time, rarely found, or encourages further studies. The report is prepared by presenting the case and chronology in detail and followed by a discussion of the case and actions

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.